Research into technologies of obtaining grape must in the production of sparkling base wines




technology of must, sparkling base wines, surface active substances, foaming properties


Base wines from grape of the Sukholimansky white and Pinot Noir varieties were received by the traditional national and innovative technologies. Innovative technology implied the fractionation of must and its clarification using commercially available oenological preparations. It was established that, depending on the technology of obtaining must, chemical composition of base wine is formed: carbohydrates dominate (1300.0–2850.0 mg/dm3), with less amount of phenolic compounds (115.4–266.6 mg/dm3), and an insignificant amount of protein substances (10.2–68.5 mg/dm3). The magnitudes for indicators of the root mean square error, calculated by devised regression models, indicate a close relationship between chemical composition of the surface active substances in base wine and the techniques for must separation. As a result of examining the surface active substances by the method of gel chromatography, we obtained their low- and highmolecular fractions. It was found that in the fraction with molecular weight of 50–60 kDa, protein substances, phenolic compounds and polysaccharides are in the form of the complex. Mass fraction of biopolymeric complexes in base wine does not exceed 6.7 %. In the base wines from white grape, the composition of biopolymeric complexes is dominated by the protein-polysaccharide component; in the base wine from red grape, it is dominated by phenolic-polysaccharide component. In order to stabilize biopolymeric surface active substances, we applied a must clarification method using the combinations of commercially available oenological preparations.

The most effective technique for clarification the must is a combination of halotanin with enzyme and complex preparations. Foaming properties of base wine – parameters of maximum foam height and stability time – were determined using the Mosalux device. It was established that foaming properties depend mainly on the component composition of biopolymeric complexes in base wines.

Author Biographies

Oksana Tkachenko, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Оdessa, Ukraine, 65039

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of wine technology and oenology

Svitlana Drevova, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Оdessa, Ukraine, 65039

Postgraduate student

Department of wine technology and oenology

Larysa Gural, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Оdessa, Ukraine, 65039


Department of Food Chemistry


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, O., Drevova, S., & Gural, L. (2017). Research into technologies of obtaining grape must in the production of sparkling base wines. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10 (85), 52–62.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production