Development of sanitary-safe poultry paste products with balanced fatty acid and vitamin composition
meat pastes, vitaminized blended vegetable oils, protein-fat emulsions, poultry meat, sanitary-hygienic safetyAbstract
Development of original recipes of meat pastes enriched with biologically active components due to the use of vitaminized blended vegetable oils (VBVO) and protein-fat emulsions (PFE) on their basis for general and special nutrition was considered. In the process of this work, eight recipes of chicken and turkey meat paste were developed using PFEs which were included in the recipe in an amount of 15...20 % and two recipes with vitaminized blended vegetable oils of two-component and three-component compositions in an amount of 10 %. Samples of the pastes prepared according to DStU 4432:2005, which contained 10 % of slab bacon were taken as reference samples.
A complex of organoleptic, physico-chemical, biochemical, functional-technological, structural-mechanical, sanitary-hygienic and medico-biological studies of the new meat paste recipes has been carried out. By way of mathematical modeling, yield of products with a balanced composition was optimized depending on the amount of protein-fat emulsion and vitaminized blended vegetable oil and the type of protein in minced meat. Composition of vegetable oils has been developed and their fatty acid composition and content of fat-soluble vitamins in them were determined by gas chromatographic method
Modern molecular genetic methods have been applied for an accelerated diagnosis of paste safety concerning the regulated spore-forming food poisoning agents such as Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus, the quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM), Coliform bacteria or Bacteria of Group of Escherichia Coli (BGEC) bacteria of intestinal stem group (BISG), sulfite-reducing clostridia, Staphylococcus aureus, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella. Shelf life of meat pastes was doubled (up 48 hours) while DStU 4432:2005 specifies 24 hours. Expediency of their introduction in production was provenReferences
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