Study into collagen hydrolyzate applicability as a structure forming agent
collagen hydrolyzate, glutin, foamed food systems, foam formation, food system stabilizersAbstract
The study of foaming properties of collagen hydrolyzate has proved availability of its use as a structure forming agent in production of aerated drinks.
The foaming dynamics obtained in a wide range of pH values have shown that glutin forms a stable foam at pH values within 5.8...7 in a temperature range of 8‒10 °C. Microscopy of the obtained foamy structure has shown that it is characterized by the presence of dispersed particles with sizes of various orders and an average radius of a disperse particle equal to 1.53 mm.
The IR spectroscopy data have shown presence of free groups capable of hydration. The lowest degree of hydration was observed at pH=10.1 and the highest one at pH=7.0 after 3‒3.5 hours of incubation.
Optimum technological parameters of making aerated milk drinks with the use of glutin were obtained: pH=5.2, glutin concentration of 5 %, agar or apple pectin concentration of 1.5 %References
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