Research intoeffect of the synbiotic complex on the quality of a fat filling for waffles




immobilized bifidobacterial, inulin, synbiotic complex, structural-mechanical properties, waffle products


A new technique was designed for obtaining the symbiotic additive, which consists of the immobilized bifidobacteria and inulin. Technological approach implied a partial replacement of the filler of confectionary fat with inulin, and the introduction of bifidobacteriain the amount of 107 cfu/g. We have proven the need for conducting the process of immobilization for the bifidobacterial cells.

We examined effect of the symbiotic complex on the structural-mechanical properties of samples of the fat filling, in particular, on effective viscosity, penetrating properties, adhesion and density. The introduction of the additivecontributes to an increase in the viscosity of the mass, which, in the course of the technological process, will lead to a better application and uniform distribution of the filling on the surface of a wafer sheet. It was proven that the duration of structure-formation is reduced for all examined samples by 2...6 minutes in comparison with control. The adhesion strength of waffles also increases, which contributesto a better adhesion between the filling and wafer sheets. It was established that the application of the synbiotic in the technology of waffle productionexerts a positive effect on the organoleptic properties of finished products. We have received samples of waffles with a homogeneous and tender filling, without the fat taste

Author Biography

Hanna Korkach, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Kanatna str., 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Bakery, confectionary, macaroni products and food concentrate technologies


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How to Cite

Korkach, H. (2017). Research intoeffect of the synbiotic complex on the quality of a fat filling for waffles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (89), 18–25.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production