Research on the safety factor against derailment of railway vehicless
railway stock, derailment, safety criterion/factor, approach angle, flange contactAbstract
The study highlights the necessity to specify the safety factor against derailing of the wheels of a railway rolling stock. The modeling of the wheels’ derailment was carried out on the basis of considering the complete pattern of frictional interaction with the rails of the approaching and running-off wheels of a wheel pair.
The simulation included the following previously overlooked factors: the dependence of the vertical component of the frictional force in the flange contact of the approaching wheel on the angle of the wheel running onto the rail; the influence of the frictional force in the flange contact of the approaching wheel on the increase in the horizontal lateral load on the flange; and the influence of the frictional force in the contact of the running-off wheel on the increase in the lateral load on the flange of the approaching wheel.
The study has specified the safety factor – the Nadal criterion – against the derailment of the wheels of a railway stock. Unlike in the traditional approach, the safety factor of the wheel steadiness against derailment is assessed taking the frame force, rather than the lateral load on the flange, as the main factor of safety. This approach to determining the stability criterion gives more reliable results, since the frame force is more accessible for experimental and theoretical analysis.
The proposed safety factor against the derailment of a railway stock, for different values of the flange inclination angle and the friction coefficient, is 10–50 % lower than the classical Nadal stability criterion. This makes the proposed criterion more reliable in assessing the safety of a railway rolling stock derailmentReferences
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