Analytical calculation of removal of freight trains by passenger trains at high-speed traffic
Coefficient of removal of freight trains, capacity of railway lines, size of train trafficAbstract
The article concerns the issues related to the removal of freight trains by speed passenger trains and the influence of removal coefficients on traffic capacity, depending on the length of blocks.
The results of the study are the graphs of the removal coefficients of freight trains by speed trains at different length of blocks; and the impact of removal coefficients on the capacity of single-track sections with two-track inserts.
As scientific innovation, we have formulated and solved the problem of dependence of removal coefficients of freight trains by speed trains on single-track sections with two-track inserts. We have improved the mathematical model of calculation of the capacity of single-track sections with two-track inserts, which unlike existing, permits to determine the impact of speed passenger trains on the capacity, depending on operational situation.
The practical significance of the developed procedures and methods can be used to create automated decision support systems for operational distribution of trains on railway lines with parallel passages under conditions of speed passenger trains, to develop automated workstation of control personnel of operational and administrative directorates and railway departmentsReferences
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