Research of functional animal proteins influence on food systems’ viscosity
Flour-water suspensions, unleavened dough, “Scanpro T95”, “Helios-11”, “Gitpro D”, viscosityAbstract
The influence of functional animal proteins on flour-water suspension’s viscosity and effective viscosity of unleavened dough was researched. The objects of studies were: wheat premium flour with gluten content about 30% and functional animal proteins Skanpro T-95, Gitpro D and Helios-11, unleavened wheat dough (humidity about 56%) with the addition of FAP, flour mixtures for molded product "Veselka" (humidity about 12%) with the addition of FAP (1.5% by weight of flour). Research of effective viscosity of unleavened dough was conducted on a rotary viscometer. The viscosity of flour-water suspensions was studied by standard method on Amilograph test.
Research of effective viscosity was conducted after 20 and 180 min of maturation. Viscosity of samples with FAP addition decreased after 180 minutes of dough maturation due to enzymatic processes. It was found when additives content increased from 1 to 2%, dough’s viscosity enhanced. After dough maturation during 180 minutes Helios had the similar effect on viscosity as Skanpro.
It was found that flour-water gelatinization began a few minutes before when we add FAP, this phenomena can be explained by the fact that proteins begin to swell at a slightly lower temperature than starch, so start of gelatinization moved.
It was proven that adding of FAP Skanpro and Helios to the weak wheat flour increased effective viscosity of dough. Recommended content of additives is in the range of 1-2% by weight of flour. Bakery products, made from this flour, had good organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties that met the requirements of regulatory documentsReferences
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2014 Микола Тимофійович Малафаєв, Ольга Миколаівна Шаніна, Марія Олексіївна Домахіна, Катерина Валентинівна Дугіна, Микола Іванович Погожих, Олена Анатоліївна Шуліка

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