Research into techniques for making wheat bread on hop leaven
bitter scalding, hop leaven, sponge dough, lactic acid bacteria, bread, stalingAbstract
We investigated saccharification process of bitter scaldings depending on the parameters of their preparation and established that the largest intensity of sugar accumulation occurs within one hour of saccharification at a mass fraction of moisture in scalding of 78.0 %. The developed bitter sourdough is recommended for the technology of rye-wheat bread with a small content of rye flour (10...12 %) or wheat bread from graded flour.
It is recommended using the four-phase technique of dough preparation according to the following scheme: "saccharized" "bitter" scalding → scalding soured with the homofermentative thermophilic lactic acid bacteria L. Delbrükii‒76 → hop leaven, soured with yeast of the race S. cerevisiae L-1 and the homofermentative mesophilic lactic acid bacteria L. Plantarum-30 → dough". When using 25 % of sourdough, the acidity of dough and finished products is reduced by 2.0 degrees. That is why we recommend utilizing a given technique for making bakery products from wheat flour. This provides for the better fluffiness and state of the crumb, as well contributes to retaining the freshness of bakery products. The results of research allowed us to devise a technological scheme of production, which can be implemented at specialized lines
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