Experimental study of the method of locomotive wheelrail angle of attack control using acoustic emission
angle of attack, acoustic emission, wheel pair, control, stand, spectral analysis, information measuring systemAbstract
The methods for determining the locomotive wheel-rail angle of attack are considered. To reduce the power impact of the wheel flange with the rail head when the locomotive moves on curved sections of the track, it is advisable to change the locomotive wheel-rail angle of attack by turning the wheel pairs. Controlling the locomotive wheel pair position is possible by means of an operational measurement of the actual wheel-rail angle of attack. Measurement of the wheel-rail angle of attack is not performed because it is impossible to determine the value directly.
It is proposed to measure the locomotive wheel-rail angle of attack when the wheel pair moves in the rail track on the basis of the method of acoustic emission resulting from the wheel-rail contact interaction. An information measuring system has been developed for the determination and analysis of acoustic emission from the wheel-rail contact consisting of: a stand roller magnet, a speed sensor, a directional microphone, an analog-digital card, a sound level meter. The obtained experimental data of acoustic emission from the contact of the roller stand wheel with the roller during motion are analyzed. The dependence of the acoustic emission of the locomotive wheel-rail contact interaction on the values of the maximum deviation of the sound pressure level from the equivalent level in the frequency range 200...300 Hz is revealed.
The obtained analytical dependence of the maximum deviation of the sound pressure level from the equivalent at different values of wheel-rail angles of attack can be used to create an automatic control system of the wheel pair position in the rail track.
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