The influence of correlation functions stacking on an «intraclass» correlator’s output signal-to-noise ratio


  • Андрій Миколайович Захаров Ukrainian Navy Dybenko 1A, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99028, Ukraine



Hydroacoustic station, signal-to-noise ratio, correlation function, phasing, array, linear-frequency modulated signal (chirp signal)


Objects detection against the background of the strong noise and reverberation interference is the important task in hydrolocation. Traditionally, coherent filters or correlators with use of calibration signals are employed in detection systems. However, a probe signal passing through an underwater environment undergoes significant changes including multiplicative ones that results in the essential decrease in static coupling between the reference and received signals. In this case the devices reduce their efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio will be correspondingly decreased at the correlator’s output. The use of so-called «intraclass» correlator does not require a reference signal due to the mutual correlation processing of signals passing from the hydrophones and the accumulation of the correlation functions obtained by the coherent noise suppression algorithm. The core of the algorithm his in the transformation of the specified correlation functions by the ratios allowing to decrease the noise variance and increase the useful burst of correlation function simultaneously. The software simulation has shown that the use of coherent noise suppression allows to increase  output signal-to-noise ratio in 1,4-1,8 times (depending on interferences type an level) in comparison with traditional processing method, proportionally to the number of stacking when the number of hydrophones remains fixed. The volume of computations is significantly increased with the increase of stacks number. The required computation volume is achieved by the use of modern computing systems

Author Biography

Андрій Миколайович Захаров, Ukrainian Navy Dybenko 1A, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99028

Senior research associate

Research laboratory, Scientific Centre


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How to Cite

Захаров, А. М. (2013). The influence of correlation functions stacking on an «intraclass» correlator’s output signal-to-noise ratio. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(62), 55–59.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects