Substantiation of the mechanism of interaction between biopolymers of ryeandwheat flour and the nanoparticles of the magnetofооd food additive in order to improve moistureretaining capacity of dough
polyfunctional food additive, rye-and-wheat flour, interaction mechanism, "cluster-loop-chain" modelAbstract
The mechanism of influence of the Magnetofood additive on the moisture retaining in rye-and-wheat dough of various acidities was established. In a neutral medium, solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles are formed from polarized Magnetofood nanoparticles. Their surface acquires hydrophily and ability to interact with ionogenic groups of biopolymers and water dipoles. Interaction of solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles with water molecules results in solvate complexes. In an acidic medium, the protonated Magnetofood nanoparticles interacting with water form solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles. Interaction of the latter through hydrogen bonds with water dipoles results in formation of solvate complexes. In an alkaline medium, hydroxylated Magnetofood nanoparticles interact with dipoles of water by an ion-dipole mechanism forming solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles which interact with water dipoles through hydrogen bonds with formation of solvate complexes. In an alkaline medium, hydroxylated Magnetofood nanoparticles interact with dipoles of water by an ion-dipole mechanism forming solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles. Their interaction with water dipoles through hydrogen bonds leads to formation of solvate complexes.
The mechanism of interaction of the Magnetofood nanoparticles with ionogenic groups of biopolymers of dough systems was shown. The Magnetofood nanoparticles enter ionic, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole and coordination interactions. Solvated Magnetofood nanoparticles form hydrogen bonds with water dipoles and with molecules of biopolymers.
A "cluster-loop-chain" model of the moisture-retaining power of gluten and flour enriched with the Magnetofood additive was proposed. The Magnetofood nanoparticles contribute to the emergence of structural formations such as "clusters", "clathrates", "cavitates" and "loops" in which both intermicellar and intramicellar water is retained.
It has been experimentally established that the Magnetofood polyfunctional food additive has a beneficial effect on the body and has a complex sorption, complexing, moisture- and fat-retaining and bacteriostatic action. This results in yield increase, quality improvement, preservation of freshness and extension of shelf life of bakery products.
From this point of view, the study results are of interest not only for Ukraine but also for the international scientific community.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Iryna Tsykhanovska, Victoria Evlash, Alexandr Alexandrov, Tetiana Lazarieva, Karina Svidlo, Tatуana Gontar, Liubov Yurchenko, Larisa Pavlotska
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