Improvement of a rotor film device for the production of highquality multicomponent natural pastes
natural raw materials, rotor film device, intensification, structural-mechanical properties, color formationAbstract
We have improved a heat exchange system of the rotor film device by using, as a heater, a flexible film resistive electric heater of the radiation type, which repeats the geometry of a working chamber of the device. Its technical properties ensure the acceptable temperature mode (50...60 °C), a decrease in resource consumption, dimensional and weight characteristics of RFD, and hence the cost of such devices.
In order to test the improved RFD, a formulation ratio of natural components in multicomponent compositions was proposed. Based on the result of blending, we have obtained 3 compositions with different content of components (55...60 % of apple, 25…40 % of cranberries, 5…10 % of hawthorn), which were compared with control. The effect of mass content of each component in the compositions on the structural-mechanical properties of the obtained products was studied. Values for the mean radii of microcapillaries in multicomponent natural compositions were established: nm for composition 1a, nm for composition 1b, and nm for composition 1c. It was established that at an increase in the content of cranberry from 25 to 30 % (compositions 1b and 1a), an increase in the dispersion of the obtained puree was observed. On the contrary, the dispersion decreased at an increase in the content of cranberry to 40 %.
Color patterns of apple puree, which is characterized by greenish-yellow coloration, and the puree made of cranberry and hawthorn, characterized by bright red and orange colors, were studied. Color parameters of the blended puree-like compositions were determined, specifically: puree 1a is characterized by a color tone purity of 76.4 %. Puree 1b and 1c – 70.7 % and 78.1 %, respectively; in this case, all of them are reddish-orange.
We have determined the colors of paste compositions after concentration at the improved rotor film device to the content of 28…30 % of dry substances at the acceptable temperature of 50...60 °C. It was established that the tone purity of the paste composition 1a is 77.6 %, and in the compositions of pastes 1b and 1c, it is 64.0 % and 78.9 %, respectively. In this case, they are characterized by reddish-orange color. Comparison of visual characteristics of the color of puree and paste samples for the indicators of a dominating wavelength and a color frequency confirm maximal retention of colors. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the maximum retention of vitamins and medicinal-prophylactic properties of natural raw materials in the obtained compositions of multicomponent pastes through the use of the proposed technological parameters and the improved system of heating at the rotor film device.
The data obtained would allow the optimization of technological parameters when processing natural raw materials and producing high-quality multicomponent pastes with a considerable content of BAS, medicinal-prevention properties, and pleasant structural-mechanical and color characteristics.
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