Effect of changes in the functional state of the driver on road safety


  • Нізамі Уруджевіч Гюлєв The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Віктор Костянтинович Доля The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Максим Сергійович Бичев The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine




Traffic safety, traffic jam, reaction time, functional state


The technology of traffic organization provides the safe and smooth operation of the whole transport system of a city. The main element of this system is a driver, on the strategy of behavior of which depends the safety of the system.

Traffic jams arising from the use of wrong technology of traffic organization or because of excessive traffic on the road, lead to a change in the functional state of drivers. For some groups of drivers, such as the cholerics and sanguines, these changes lead to a deterioration in their functional state.

The article presents and systematizes the model of changes in the functional state of all major groups of drivers of different temperaments. At the same time it stresses that one of the negative factors of violation of traffic organization is the traffic jam. Also, it presents the model, which establishes the relationship between the driver's reaction time and its functional state.

Models of changes in the reaction time for a driver-choleric and a driver-sanguine make it possible to predict their reaction time, depending on duration of their stay in the traffic jam. It is emphasized that the effects of traffic jams for those drivers as a change in their reaction time largely determine the road safety in general. Moreover, the initial moment of the reaction time when leaving the traffic jam, which are determined by the level of functional state, affect the nature of the changes at the areas of the transportation system

Author Biographies

Нізамі Уруджевіч Гюлєв, The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Ph.D., Associate Professor

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Віктор Костянтинович Доля, The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Максим Сергійович Бичев, The National University of Municipal Economy street. Revolution, 12, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics


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How to Cite

Гюлєв, Н. У., Доля, В. К., & Бичев, М. С. (2013). Effect of changes in the functional state of the driver on road safety. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3(63), 67–69. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.14742



Control systems