Means of communication of internet users with local authorities


  • Олександр Вікторович Марковець Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str., Ukraine
  • Роман Орестович Корж Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str., Ukraine
  • Уляна Борисівна Ярка Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str., Ukraine



electronic appeal, system of processing of appeals, performer, methods for determining a performer


The article reviews the current state of processing of appeals and challenges, and problems arising in this case. These challenges require an integrated approach that involves the creation and use of specialized processing systems of appeals. In the basic configuration such system must serve as records, analysis and distribution of appeals and control over their processing. This article describes these features and system components that are responsible for their implementation. The detailed description of components of specialized processing systems of appeals and their features are presented. The peculiarities of collecting and analyzing information about an author of an appeal, as well as their sources are given. Indices of credibility of the author and the resource of appeal formation are determined. Methods for determining a performer to process electronic appeals, their brief description and characteristics are presented.

Author Biographies

Олександр Вікторович Марковець, Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str.

PhD Student

Social Communications and Information Activity Department

Роман Орестович Корж, Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str.


Department of Electronic Information and Computer Technology

Уляна Борисівна Ярка, Lviv Polytechnic National University Ukraine, Lviv, 12 Bandera Str.


Social Communications and Information Activity Department


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How to Cite

Марковець, О. В., Корж, Р. О., & Ярка, У. Б. (2013). Means of communication of internet users with local authorities. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9(63), 38–41.



Information and controlling system