Prospects for the development of uprated diesels


  • Эдуард Карпович Посвятенко National transport university st. Suvorova, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 01010, Ukraine
  • Виктор Григорьевич Гончаров Private research commercial company "TAVI" str. 50th Anniversary of the USSR, 34, flat 3, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61060, Ukraine
  • Александр Куприянович Олейник State Enterprise "Plant name V.A. Malyshev" Str. Plekhanov, 126, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000, Ukraine



forced diesel, piston, alcohols, hydrogen


The development of an uprated engine are reviewed and determined. These power units are widely used for diesel locomotives in Ukraine. Thermodynamic improvement of diesel engines is to improve the air-supply systems, forming a mixture of combustion and exhaust. It is also improving the design and increasing longevity of pistons, rings, cylinder liners, connecting rods, crankshafts. Measures to improve the mechanisms for distributing gas and valve train are promising. Important environmental area is the development and implementation of measures to reduce the emissions of harmful substances into the environment. This includes providing excess air, application hybrid propulsion for shunting, frequency converters and corresponding exhaust fuel additives. The use of fuels that do not contain carbon, eliminates the emission of greenhouse gases. The development of diesel involves the use electric technology from a wide range of electronic and computer systems to control thermal barrier coatings. Improving the engine is also in the direction of creating a unified parametric and mixed series of similar sizes. It is also advisable to develop diesel gas engines and engines for heavy fuels. As an additive to diesel fuel are promising alcohols - methanol and ethanol. The most suitable type of fuel for future power plants and the energy of the future is hydrogen. However, there are problems with its storage. At present, the best system for hydrogen storage are hydrides of magnesium, iron, titanium and potassium

Author Biographies

Эдуард Карпович Посвятенко, National transport university st. Suvorova, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 01010

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor

Department «Production, repair and science of material»

Виктор Григорьевич Гончаров, Private research commercial company "TAVI" str. 50th Anniversary of the USSR, 34, flat 3, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61060

Ph.D., Director

Александр Куприянович Олейник, State Enterprise "Plant name V.A. Malyshev" Str. Plekhanov, 126, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000

Ph.D, Lead Engineer-Technologist

Central Laboratory


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How to Cite

Посвятенко, Э. К., Гончаров, В. Г., & Олейник, А. К. (2013). Prospects for the development of uprated diesels. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(12(63), 50–53.



Modern technologies in the gas-turbine