Study of capacity of radish roots to accumulate nitrates and pesticides
sorts of radish, nitrates, pesticidesAbstract
Because of continuous and rapid development of agriculture, chemical and other industries, which use chemicals (including toxic and potentially dangerous), achieving a balance between the expansion of the use of chemicals and reduction of their negative effects on humans and the environment is becoming a matter of great concern. The paper presents the first research of nitrate and pesticide contents in various sorts of radish and parts of roots using standard techniques. The studies of radish roots suggest that the samples Daikon «White Fang» and «Marhelanska» are more likely to accumulate nitrates as compared to the «Black Winter Skvyrska» and «Heart of Dragon». Experimental data on the localization of nitrate in radish roots show that the most of nitrates is accumulated in non-stiffened parenchyma (storing tissue) that exceeds the maximum allowable concentration, cambium accumulates less nitrate, periderm (investing tissue) has the minimum concentration of nitrates. It was also determined that pesticide content in all experimental samples does not exceed the MaC 0.05 mg/kg.References
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