Medical and biological estimation of bread made from a whole wheat grain with inclusion of root crops


  • Марина Ромиківна Мардар Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Str. Kanatnaya, 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039, Ukraine
  • Натела Ревазовна Кордзая Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Str. Kanatnaya, 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039, Ukraine



food, medical and biological estimation, bread made from a whole wheat grain, root cropsfood, root crops


Modern assortment of bakery products in Ukraine is formed mainly by the traditional grades of bread and rather limited in prophylactic one.

One of the trends of expansion of assortment is production of bread made from a whole wheat grain, which is characterized by a high content of many essential nutrients: protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and others.

The considerable content of fiber and coarse-fibered structure, make the bread made from a whole wheat grain an irritant for sensitive gastric mucosa and it may be the cause of the appearance and development of erosions and ulcers, and therefore it should be cautiously used to people with gastrointestinal disease

To eliminate restrictions of consumption of such bread to certain categories of consumers, and to improve its organoleptic properties it is reasonable to enrich it with a various additives by the use of natural raw materials, such as white root crops - celery, parsley and parsnips

The objective of the work was to carry out medical and biological researches of bread made from a whole wheat grain with inclusion of root crops and to establish possibilities of their preventive use. a positive effect of root crops on the antioxidant activity of bread made from a whole wheat grain, reduction of the ulcerogenic effect and improvement the assimilability by the human body was established in the work. A new grades of bread made from a whole wheat grain with inclusion of root crops can be recommend, both in mass and preventive nutrition.

Author Biographies

Марина Ромиківна Мардар, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Str. Kanatnaya, 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD in Technical Sciences, assistant professor on the department

“Commodity and Expertise of Products’

Натела Ревазовна Кордзая, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Str. Kanatnaya, 112, Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD in Technical Sciences, assistant 

“Commodity and Expertise of Products’


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How to Cite

Мардар, М. Р., & Кордзая, Н. Р. (2013). Medical and biological estimation of bread made from a whole wheat grain with inclusion of root crops. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(10(64), 34–39.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production