Estimation of optimal sound-absorbing cover for premises with multi-tone noise


  • Александр Викторович Мамонтов Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



multi-tone noise, sound-absorbing cover, octave frequency band, spectrum limit, minimum cost


Despite the wide spread of computing devices and mathematical optimization methods in various fields of knowledge, little attention is paid to optimization of solving the problems of labor safety. In the author’s opinion the promising solution is developing the methods of sound-absorbing cover optimization based on non-linear programming, one of which has been the objective of the work. The method for estimation of the optimal cover in premises with multi-tone noise conditions is proposed in the paper. Different noise tones can be absorbed by different materials with the most suitable properties. The method is based on random selection of surface area values of different materials, with further selection of the optimal cover. The paper gives the estimation algorithm and the obtained results using the Mathcad computer program.

The estimation results indicate the regularities of achieving the optimum and a significant economic effect. The proposed estimation method and algorithm can be used for taking labor safety measures for noise reduction, namely, sound-absorbing covers design for production facilities. The paper has a scientific novelty, based on random selection of materials surface area values, and practical significance based on economic effect and working conditions improvement

Author Biography

Александр Викторович Мамонтов, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Assistant professor

Department of Occupational safety


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How to Cite

Мамонтов, А. В. (2013). Estimation of optimal sound-absorbing cover for premises with multi-tone noise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(5(64), 7–11.



Applied physics