Studying consumer properties of the developed cupcakes using non-traditional raw materials
cupcakes with organic flour, nutritional value, consumer properties, amino acids, fat-acid, mineral compositionAbstract
We have investigated the influence of non-traditional raw materials of plant origin and natural additives on the formation of consumer properties of cupcakes with improved composition. We have defined and scientifically substantiated the formulation composition, as well as proposed model samples of cupcakes, based on the performed analysis of the organoleptic, physical-chemical indicators, food and biological value. Assessment of the organoleptic indicators was carried out based on the developed estimation scale considering such indicators as taste, smell, view at fracture, color, surface, shape, consistency following the introduction of the indicator for flavor; profilograms for samples were constructed. Based on the performed organoleptic assessment, it was established that the devised cupcakes, with the introduction of alternative raw materials to the formulation, have a good taste, flavor; they were highly appreciated by a tasting board. Due to a change to the formulation, it has become possible to reduce the caloric value of products by 16‒39 kcal/100 g. The new samples are characterized by a higher content of protein, by 18.9‒31.8 % (cupcakes without filling) and by 1.6‒1.7 times (cupcakes with filling), by a lower amount of fat, by 3.1–20.1 %, and carbohydrates ‒ by 4.7‒14.9 %. The content of essential amino acids was determined using the automated amino acid analyzer T 339. The new products demonstrated an increase in the content of amino acids, by 1.1‒1.9 times compared to control sample. The fat-acid composition of cupcakes was determined by gas chromatography applying the gas chromatographer HP 6890. The ratio of proportion of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated acids in new products increased by 1.22‒1.55 times. Mineral composition was determined by the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry at the atomic-absorbing spectrophotometer C-115 PK. The content of mineral elements increased by 1.1‒2.7 times, of vitamins ‒ by 1.2‒2.9 times. Based on the acquired data we have justified the feasibility of extending the range of flour-based pastry products with the new types of cupcakes.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Khrystyna Kovalchuk, Halyna Ozimok, Ruslan Mariychuk, Olga Gyrka, Mykhailo Bodak, Nataliya Palko, Oksana Davydovych, Alina Tkachenko, Liudmyla Guba

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