Classification of heterogeneous structures and condtions of their doubly periodicity


  • Станислав Трофимович Толмачев KrivoyRog National University XXII Partz’yizdu str., 11, KrivoyRog, Ukraine, 50027, Ukraine
  • Станислав Львович Бондаревский KrivoyRog National University XXII Partz’yizdu str., 11, KrivoyRog, Ukraine, 50027, Ukraine



doubly periodic structure, classification, period parallelogram, condition of double periodicity


Despite a rather active interest in the theoretical and practical aspects of heterogeneous environment and structures (HES) – semiconductors, mixtures, solutions, reinforced and composite materials, magnetic filters, etc. – the scientific literature has not yet paid sufficient attention to the issue of their classification. The paper partially makes up the deficiency suggesting, in particular, a possible classification of HES based on the difference between the geometric and physical parameters of the components, the scale of inclusions, etc. Special attention is paid to ordered (correct) HES with a doubly periodic structure, since they are components of many technological devices and materials. The paper emphasizes the difference between the concepts “doubly lattice periods” and “doubly HES”. Also, it illustrates the importance of identifying equivalent periods and gives their equality relation; presents necessary and sufficient conditions of forming the global doubly periodic lattice by compiling a limited set of primitive doubly periodic lattices, and demonstrates when these conditions may be used for the synthesis of complex doubly periodic HES by combining correct HES of a lower level.

Author Biographies

Станислав Трофимович Толмачев, KrivoyRog National University XXII Partz’yizdu str., 11, KrivoyRog, Ukraine, 50027

Doctor of technical sciences, prof., Head of Department of Electromechanics

Department of Electromechanics

Станислав Львович Бондаревский, KrivoyRog National University XXII Partz’yizdu str., 11, KrivoyRog, Ukraine, 50027

Senior lecturer

Department of Electromechanics


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How to Cite

Толмачев, С. Т., & Бондаревский, С. Л. (2013). Classification of heterogeneous structures and condtions of their doubly periodicity. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(5(65), 24–29.



Applied physics