Degree of chopping and its impact on the quality of dried and half-smoked products


  • Юрій Григорович Сухенко National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Geroev Oborony 15, Kiev, Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine
  • Владислав Юрійович Сухенко National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Geroev Oborony 15, Kiev, Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine



chopping, cutter, smoking, moisture, mince, quality, sausage, drying, organoleptics, consistence


It is shown that optimization of duration of mince cutting for summer sausages cooking allows shortening the duration of their drying, providing necessary consistence and quality.

During fine chopping of mince, cutting process is carried out at high speeds. It is accompanied by considerable heat emission, changes in water-binding capacity and structural-mechanical properties of the product. These circumstances cause the need for proper experimental determination and calculation of rational duration of chopping. We set the goal and task of studying the kinetics of summer sausage (for example, the sausage "Moscovskaya") drying, depending on the extent (duration) of mince chopping for further intensification of summer sausages drying. Drying kinetics was evaluated by the amount of moisture, removed from the sausage determining the relative value, i.e. amount of moisture removed from 1 kg of product.

The conducted researches confirmed the possibility of optimizing the duration of chopping of mince dispersion medium, in which the organoleptic evaluation of consistence of finished sausage becomes significantly higher in comparison with other samples.

Author Biographies

Юрій Григорович Сухенко, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Geroev Oborony 15, Kiev, Ukraine, 03041


Department processes and equipment, agricultural products processing

Владислав Юрійович Сухенко, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Geroev Oborony 15, Kiev, Ukraine, 03041

Ph.D., associate professor

Department processes and equipment, agricultural products processing


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How to Cite

Сухенко, Ю. Г., & Сухенко, В. Ю. (2013). Degree of chopping and its impact on the quality of dried and half-smoked products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10(65), 40–42.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production