Self-propelled underwater system control integration within maritime technological complex


  • Віктор Анатолійович Надточій Named Admiral Makarov National University of Ships Building Kherson Division Ushakova str., 44, Kherson, Ukraine, 73022, Ukraine



self-propelled tethered underwater system, automatic control system, external disturbances, manipulator


The concept of construction and generalized structure of an integrated system of automatic control of self-propelled subsea complex within the mother ship and self-propelled tethered underwater system as the only marine technological complex, which operates in conditions of uncertainty of external disturbances and non-stationarity of its parameters, were developed. The integrated system has five control levels − strategic, tactical, programming, execution and controlling. The execution level consists of five automatic control subsystems, which provide a coordinated operation of actuating stabilization mechanisms of mother ship, cable winches, self-propelled underwater vehicle, underwater manipulator and its clamping unit. The implementation of the integrated ACS (automatic control system) will enable increasing the productivity and performance quality of complex technical underwater work using attached implements, such as remotely-controlled manipulators.

Author Biography

Віктор Анатолійович Надточій, Named Admiral Makarov National University of Ships Building Kherson Division Ushakova str., 44, Kherson, Ukraine, 73022


Department of Automatic and Electrical Equipment of Ships


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How to Cite

Надточій, В. А. (2013). Self-propelled underwater system control integration within maritime technological complex. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(4(65), 40–45.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects