Development of training exercise for solving systems of linear algebraic equations in Adobe Captivate


  • Екатерина Александровна Ковалева National Economic University pr. Lenina, 9A, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000, Ukraine



electronic educational resource, training exercise, Cramer’s rule, Adobe Captivate


The paper deals with the problem of developing e-books - the basic elements of electronic educational resources. One of the main issues of creating such web-books is highlighted, namely, algorithmization of creating training exercise on the example of solving a system of linear algebraic equations using Cramer’s rule in the Adobe Captivate environment. The main features of training exercise is automatic help for students, as well as ability (even with wrong answers) to complete it with the corresponding theoretical explanation.

The main features of the Adobe Captivate environment − a powerful software program for creating electronic books, are described in the paper. Namely, one can record a sequence of actions on the screen, but it will not be a typical video track, but a set of interactive slides, in which users can repeat actions on the screen, choose something etc. Therefore, development of training exercise for solving the SLAE (system of linear algebraic equations) using Cramer’s rule in the Adobe Captivate environment was a solvable algorithmized problem.

Author Biography

Екатерина Александровна Ковалева, National Economic University pr. Lenina, 9A, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000

Candidate of engineerings sciences, teacher

Department of higher mathematics and ekonomiko-mathematical methods Kharkov


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How to Cite

Ковалева, Е. А. (2013). Development of training exercise for solving systems of linear algebraic equations in Adobe Captivate. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(3(65), 9–12.



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