Definition and justification of footwear consumer properties


  • Анатолий Семенович Зенкін Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Str. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011, Ukraine
  • Ганна Іванівна Хімічева Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Str. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011, Ukraine
  • Валентин Іванович Хімич Mukachevo State University Str. Uzhgorod, 26, Mukachevo, Ukraine, 89600, Ukraine



quality of footwear, competitiveness, control methods, materials, raw materials, consumer properties


It is noted that today buyers require from footwear not only attractiveness, but also proper consumer properties (wearing, aesthetic and functional). It is considered that the quality of any footwear depends on many factors, which can be divided in two groups. The first group includes the factors that affect the quality of footwear during its production (input raw materials, component parts, available modern technological processes and equipment, scientific and technical standard of project and design documentation, etc.). The second group is represented by the factors which influence the quality of footwear during its transportation and sale (high-quality packaging and labelling, proper transportation and storage, standard conditions of sale, etc). It was found that for improving the quality and competitiveness of domestic footwear, it is necessary to monitor and control its consumer properties with high accuracy. Factors, which determine the quality of footwear, were analyzed and it is shown that consumer properties and competitiveness are the most significant, meeting wearing, aesthetic and functional demands of today’s buyer. It was found that the quality of consumer properties should be controlled at all stages of footwear life cycle. Herewith, special attention should be paid to the quality of materials for footwear production. This approach allows classifying footwear defects into hidden and explicit, and timely developing methods for their elimination.

Author Biographies

Анатолий Семенович Зенкін, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Str. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011


Head of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification

Ганна Іванівна Хімічева, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Str. Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011


Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification

Валентин Іванович Хімич, Mukachevo State University Str. Uzhgorod, 26, Mukachevo, Ukraine, 89600

Senior lecturer

Department of Light Industry


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How to Cite

Зенкін, А. С., Хімічева, Г. І., & Хімич, В. І. (2013). Definition and justification of footwear consumer properties. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(3(65), 24–26.



Control processes