Contextual search method based on the thesaurus of knowledge domain
thesaurus, semantic metrics, intelligent search engineAbstract
The creation of the intellectual search engine was reviewed based on the domain thesaurus. Text linguistics was taken as the example of domain. The approach to the creation of semantic metrics was suggested based on such a thesaurus. For this aim the weights of importances of the groups relations were introduced between the thesaurus terms (synonyms, correlates, holonyms, meronyms, hyperonyms). The thesaurus was converted into the weighted conceptual graph. Based on Floyd-Warshall algorithm the distances between the terms of weighted conceptual graph were found. Those distances were used during the intellectual search of relevant text documents based on the key words. If some key words are not mentioned in the text document, the search engine looks for the most related term to the searched one. The efficiency of the proposed approach was introduced in comparison to other methods.
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