Development of a powerful low­voltage DC converter for systems of electric power accumulation




battery, ionistor, parallel charge, sequential discharge, electric field energy, charge balance


The study offers a solution to the problem associated with the use of batteries in autonomous solar and wind power plants, power installations, and electric vehicles. It is known that one battery element can produce 1.2–4 V, which is not enough for subsequent transformations. There is a need to complete the battery, in series-parallel connection, with several elements to several thousand elements. During its operation, slight deviations of the voltage of the elements occur, which subsequently accumulate and lead to the battery failure. To prevent such phenomena, diagnostics with an accuracy of 0.1–0.001 V per element is necessary. This complicates the control system and forces the entire battery to be rejected in case of failure of a certain number of elements. The load on the surrounding space for the disposal of lead, lithium, and cadmium is increasing. It has been established that effective converters of direct current to direct current at the indicated voltages and capacities do not exist. Voltage converters from level 3 use an intermediate link to convert the magnetic field. This type of low voltage converter is used only at low power.

It was proved that a significant number of battery elements connected in a series in parallel can be replaced with one equivalent in energy. The conducted tests have established that it is advisable to produce a subsequent increase in voltage with ionistors by charging them in parallel followed by a discharge in the series.

A mathematical description of the operation of the converter was developed, starting from the moment of switching on and reaching the steady state with subsequent response to a change in the load. Since the operation of the converter involves significant currents, the components of the internal resistances of all elements are taken into account. This approach helps study possible technical implementations, identify patterns when varying its parameters, and optimize conditions, depending on the type of chemical elements and consumer power

Author Biographies

Anatoly Panchenko, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force Sumska str., 77/79, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electrotechnical Systems of Arms and Military Equipment

Dmytro Karlov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force Sumska str., 77/79, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head Deputy of Scientific Center

Center of Air Force of Scientific Work

Yuriy Kusakin, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force Sumska str., 77/79, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Faculty

Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Maksim Kuravskiy, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force Sumska str., 77/79, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023


Faculty of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops

Oleksandr Drol, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force Sumska str., 77/79, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023


Department of Tactics and General Military Disciplines


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How to Cite

Panchenko, A., Karlov, D., Kusakin, Y., Kuravskiy, M., & Drol, O. (2020). Development of a powerful low­voltage DC converter for systems of electric power accumulation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8 (104), 25–34.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment