Establishing a pattern in the influence of two-layer greasing on the wear resistance of rails
graphite powder, two-layer greasing, wheel‒rail, tribological system, wear resistance, aerosolAbstract
This paper reports the results of an experimental study into the influence of two-layer greasing, formed from the graphite powder and base molecules of industrial oil, on the durability of the side surface of a rail head. Thus, increasing the concentration of graphite powder in oil from 0 to 3 % under a load of 363‒646 N decreases a wear rate by 42‒29.7 %, respectively.
The study procedure implied modeling the process of rolling friction at slippage using rollers at the SMC-2 friction machine. This particular type of friction occurs in the tribosystem wheel flange the side surface of a rail head in the curved track sections. The supply of oil applying an aerosol technique was also implied. Two independent factors were varied: the concentration of graphite powder in the industrial oil I-12A and an external load. The constant factors were the roller rotation frequency, which enabled stable slippage at the level of 20 %, and oil temperature, and the duration of each test.
The results of the experiment have made it possible to derive a regression equation, which describes the wear pattern of a roller in the friction pair «roller‒roller» depending on the selected factors.
At the final stage of this work, we calculated a rail resource in the curved track section. The results of calculating a railroad rail resource under conditions of increasing the concentration of graphite powder from 0 to 3 % at external loads from 363 to 646 N have demonstrated an increase in the rail resource from 40 to 61 %. The calculation was based on the obtained experimental data, which characterize the friction process between the side surface of a rail head and the wheel flange in a curved track section under the conditions of two-layer greasing at various loads. The two-layer greasing was formed through the aerosol application of oil onto the friction surface with a different concentration of graphite.
The data obtained make it possible to predict the service life of rails in the curved track sections under conditions of two-layer greasingReferences
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Copyright (c) 2020 Serhii Voronin, Besir Asadov, Dmytro Onopreichuk, Volodymyr Stefanov, Ivan Hrunyk, Viktor Pashchenko, Oleh Zabula, Oleh Holovan, Yurii Chernichenko, Oleksandr Kharkivskyi

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