Influence of conditions dehulling sunflower seeds on transition wax in sunflower oil


  • Анна Алексеевна Нетреба National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Сергей Александрович Тесленко National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Екатерина Павловна Врюкало National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Леонид Иванович Перевалов National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Георгий Владимирович Садовничий LLC EC «FT «Sunflower» Per. Transport, 6 «D», s. Pesochin, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62416, Ukraine



sunflower seeds, dehulling conditions, dehulling, husk, sunflower oil, wax-like substances


Despite numerous developments, it is impossible to obtain dehulled kernel when dehulling sunflower seeds by existing dehulling machines in a single pass. The need to reduce the amount of husks under existing process conditions (moisture-heat oil seed meal treatment, oil seed cooked meal pressing) dictates that fewer related substances, such as wax-like substances, free fatty acids, etc. transit in sunflower oil that improves its commodity and consumer properties. One of the main methods, ensuring kernel separation from the husk, is seeds preparation for dehulling, dehulling, separation of the obtained dehulled seeds. The dehulling method selection depends on several factors, the main among which are physicomechanical properties of seeds and their morphological parts. New dehulling technology is proposed in the paper, which includes seeds calibration (if further more thorough kernel and husk separation is necessary), drying in a fluidized bed dryer (if cooling temperature increase is necessary), cooling to subzero temperatures and dehulling at the same temperatures. The expediency of seeds pre-cooling before dehulling was proved in the paper. This, in turn, gives better dehulling results, provides higher kernel integrity and smaller chaff and oil dust amounts. The new method allows to obtain sunflower oil with low content of waxes and wax-like substances during further extraction. It follows that the obtained sunflower oil has higher quality.

Author Biographies

Анна Алексеевна Нетреба, National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Post-graduate student

Department of Technology of fats and fermentation products

Сергей Александрович Тесленко, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Post-graduate student

Department of Technology of fats and fermentation products

Екатерина Павловна Врюкало, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


Department of Technology of fats and fermentation products

Леонид Иванович Перевалов, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute» Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of Technology of fats and fermentation products

Георгий Владимирович Садовничий, LLC EC «FT «Sunflower» Per. Transport, 6 «D», s. Pesochin, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62416

General Director


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How to Cite

Нетреба, А. А., Тесленко, С. А., Врюкало, Е. П., Перевалов, Л. И., & Садовничий, Г. В. (2014). Influence of conditions dehulling sunflower seeds on transition wax in sunflower oil. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(67), 41–47.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production