Approximate solutions for nonlinear boundary value problems of desorbed methane filtering in heterogeneous coal beds
nonlinear boundary value problems of filtering, mathematical modeling, heterogeneous coal bedsAbstract
A hierarchical modular approach to the mathematical modeling of nonlinear filtering processes of desorbed methane in heterogeneous coal beds is proposed. Practically demanded multidimensional models of methane delivery in the absence or in the presence of vertical and horizontal wells are based on the “models-modules”, which, in their turn, are completed with the ordinary-simplest one-dimensional models.
An approximate analytical and numerical method for solving boundary value problems in non-homogeneous regions, in particular - in coal beds, containing two zones (the endogenous zone with constant filtration parameters and the exogenous one, adjacent to the initial cut, where porosity and permeability depend on the coordinates), is used.
The filtration equations are linearized and reduced to the equivalent heat-transfer equations. The solutions of four ordinary filtration problems are listed, which serve as a foundation for models-modules that are the components of different methane delivery problems.
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