Development of methodological principles for the construction of a corporate information-educational system of innovative-active university in the framework of anti-corruption activities
innovative and active university, corporate information and education system, model of corruption counteractionAbstract
Innovative activity of universities and the formation of entrepreneur universities of the innovative type is one of the forms of integration of the higher education systems of countries into the world educational and scientific space, support of their competitiveness. Based on the separation of interaction between universities and the economy and society, an evolutionary model of the university’s interaction with stakeholders was developed. Understanding the new mission of universities made it possible to separate the dominants of activities of an innovative and active university (IAU), to develop a scheme of the interconnection of management processes and its basic functions. The authors’ interpretation of the IAU and the preconditions for constructing a corporate information and education system (CIES) was formed.
Given the synergism and hybridity of modern cyber threats, the rise of corruption in the educational sphere, the Anti-corruption concept, which provides countering the elements of corruption and integrated hybrid threats through the construction of an adaptive information protection system (AIPS). The basis of corruption counteraction is the digital signature (DS) of the Key Certification Center (KCC) based on PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). To ensure the security of information resources (IR) of CIES, we proposed a model that makes it possible not only to take into consideration the synergy and hybridity of modern threats but also to form preventive anti-corruption measures. A model for providing anti-corruption measures that reflects the scenarios of the behavior of the participants of the corruption process and the anti-corruption bodies was developed. This makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the distribution of corruption deals over time and by the types of corruption to ensure the effective distribution of the university resources for anti-corruption activitiesReferences
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