Determining the expediency of using protein-polysaccharide complexes based on dairy and vegetable proteins in the technology of butter pastes
butter paste, protein-polysaccharide complex, blueberry micronutrients, milk protein, plant proteinAbstract
The expediency of using milk proteins in the technology of butter pastes, dry milk protein concentrate, and dry whey protein concentrate, has been substantiated.
It was determined that the use of protein-polysaccharide complexes in the technology of butter pastes makes it possible to reduce the caloric content of products by 2...3 % and increase the nutritional value by increasing the protein content up to 8.2 %. The biological value of the protein of new types of butter pastes, stabilized protein-polysaccharide complexes based on milk protein, was 43.6 %, based on milk and pea protein isolate ‒ 45.0 %. This can be explained by the partial compensation of the lack of essential acids at the expense of plant protein.
It was established that the introduction of dry powder of blueberries and pea protein isolate makes it possible to enrich the product with a complex of biologically active and mineral substances. The degree of meeting the daily requirement by using 10 g of the product is: calcium ‒ by 1.0 % on average; potassium ‒ 0.6 %, iron ‒ 0.3...0.6 %, rutin ‒ 2.6 %.
The introduction of blueberry micronutrients into the butter paste would increase the biological value of the protein by 2.5 %. The use of pea protein isolate could increase it by 1.5 %, which is due to partial compensation of deficient amino acids through plant components.
Thus, due to the enrichment of the pastes with high-grade protein with a high degree of digestibility, it may become possible to increase the nutritional value of products.
The social effect of the introduction of new types of butter pastes into production is to improve the nutritional structure of the population through the use of low-fat analogs of butter, enriched with protein and micronutrients of blueberries. This would help improve health and prevent microelement-dependent diseasesReferences
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