Analytical system for 3,4-benzopyrene detection based on nanophotonic sensor
3, 4-benzopyrene, analytical system, quantum dots, quantum-chemical calculations, nanophotonic sensorAbstract
Anthropogenic pollution of environmental water is a huge problem for humanity today as it leads to an increase of incurable diseases. For example, the penetration into the organism of organic carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can lead to the development of cancer tumors. The most dangerous among PAHs is 3,4-benzopyrene (BP). Therefore, the article is devoted to the development of nanophotonic sensor device construction and analytical system based on this device working on the flow injection analysis principle for the PAH in particular BP detection in environment water. Detector elements of nanophotonic sensor device are spherical quantum dots (QDs) fixed on the working electrode. Optimal choice of QDs energy parameters and its diameters were obtained using quantum-chemical calculation. Those data allowed us to prove probability of energy-transfer reactions between charged forms of QD’s and BP and to obtain sensor with low detection limit and high selectivity of BP definition. Due to the fixed quantum dots monolayer on the working electrode using Langmuir-Blodgett technology nanophotonic sensor possesses reproducibility and can operate as multiple use device. The nanophotonic sensor can be used in the framework of the developed analytical system or independently as an integral part of similar systems. As a result of this work electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of BP in water samples were carried out. A number of model water samples with known BP concentrations were investigated and statistical processing of this results calibration graph for BP detection using nanophotonic sensor was accomplished and treated by regression analysis.
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