Devising nanotechnology for vegetable cryofrozen enrichers with biocomponents and the natural protein healthy snacks containing them
processing of vegetables, cryoadditives, nano additives made from legumes, protein-vegetable snacks, health productsAbstract
This paper reports the development of nanotechnology for processing vegetables (spicy and carotene-containing ones) into frozen cryoadditives – enrichers with biologically active substances (BAS), as well as natural protein health snacks containing them. An innovative method proposed for obtaining vegetable nano additives involves the use of deep processing of raw materials. The method is based on a complex effect exerted on raw materials by cryo-processing and cryomechanodestruction, making it possible not only to preserve the BAS of fresh vegetables but also to transform them into a nanostructured form in order to fully reveal the biological potential of the raw materials. The resulting nano additives made from vegetables have no analogs. The BAS mass fraction in the produced frozen cryoadditives is 3.0...3.2 times larger than that in the starting fresh raw materials. Vegetable-based cryoadditives that are used in the manufacture of snacks are not only the BAS carriers but also perform the functions of structure-forming agents, gel-forming agents, colorants, thereby making it possible to produce high-quality health products and eliminate the need for food additives.
Applying the vegetable-based frozen cryoadditives enrichers with biocomponents has made it possible to devise a new generation of natural protein snacks for healthy eating. The protein base used included nano additives made from legumes (peas) and soft salt cheese, which are distinguished by a high content of complete protein and are easily digestible. The new protein-vegetable snacks differ from conventional ones in the high content of β-carotene, phenolic compounds, tannins; 100 g of the product may satisfy about 30 % of the daily protein needs. The devised snacks are a new type of natural wellness products that are made without the use of artificial food additives and are recommended for industrial production.
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