Algorithm of multiobjective operational control of microgrids
microgrids, resource allocation, distributed generation, multicriteria decision-making, Bellman-Zadeh approachAbstract
One of important energy development directions, as evidenced by the global practice, is the intellectualization of generation, transmission and distribution of energy, formation of the so-called microgrids. In this regard, the results of the research, related to developing the method for prompt operational control of the sources of distributed generation of autonomous microgrid are given in the paper. Solving such problems inUkraineis complicated by limited availability of material resources for the fundamental technical modernization of the industry, the lack of adequate information environment, the imperfection of legal and regulatory bases. These circumstances make the issues of forming adequate mathematical models, used to solve the problems of determining the optimal structure of microgrids and their operational control especially relevant. Given this, the necessity of comprehensive consideration of the uncertainty factor, including considering the uncertainty of source information, objectives and conditions, when analyzing the specified problem is substantiated in the paper. For this purpose, a series of objective functions, reflecting the economic, technical and environmental aspects of the microgrid operation, which were originally presented in a linguistic form that allows to take into account both the information uncertainty, and multicriterion nature of the problem is formed. Capacity allocation among individual sources is implemented based on a modified non-local search algorithm.
Thus, accounting multicriteriality is performed using the Bellman-Zadeh approach, which allows to obtain a solution, belonging to the region of compromise, where the optimality principle lies in the maximum satisfaction of all purposes. The proposed algorithm allows to flexibly and effectively consider both quantitative and qualitative characteristics, represented, in particular, by linguistic assessments, differentiate the importance degree of individual criteria, which allow to ensure the maximum adequacy and validity of the obtained solutions and, as a consequence, guarantee the actual efficiency of using generating equipment, installed in the microgrid
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