Investigating the influence of nano-economy management channels on global transformations in the world




nano-economy, baby economy, human economy, economy of nanotechnologies, self-management, nano innovation management, global transformations


The problem under investigation is determined by the fact that enterprises consist of separate economic agents that play an increasingly important role in production processes and their management. The channels of such management provide the transfer of positive experience of the totality of economic agents to the global environment. Due to the permanent process of transformations in the world caused by this influence, the probability of being on the sidelines is a problem for most business entities. Their competitiveness and integration into the world economic networks depend on high-quality management and wide application of innovative technologies, including nanotechnologies.

The conducted study revealed that:

– nano-economy consists of baby economy, human economy, and the economy of nanotechnologies;

– the human economy is the central link and the main leader of the impact of nano-economy on global markets. The main components of its management are self-management, self-marketing, and innovative management of the organization personnel;

– nanotechnologies, the economics of nanotechnologies, and transfer of nano-knowledge are at the initial stage of their development;

– the impact of nano-economy on the development of the global environment is carried out through the functions of nanomanagement;

 the management channels of the nano-economy do not affect the entry of countries with transition economies into the global environment due to the fact that they lack the system of nano-economy. This is proved by multifactor analysis of the impact of nano-economy on exports. The obtained indicators, such as exports of USD 57 billion (by the exchange rate of 2021), 281 universities, 1,941,701 business entities, and 135 thousand scientific and technical institutions, do not correlate and determine low direct and inverse indicators of dependence.

The results of the study can be used:

– at separate enterprises – by using innovative personnel management, including motivating and training of personnel in self-management and self-marketing; 

– at the state and regional levels – by creating favorable conditions for the development of baby economy in countries with transition economies and by promoting optimal solutions of separate economic agents

Author Biographies

Tetiana Ostapenko, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises

Oleksandr Onopriienko, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises

Iryna Hrashchenko, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises

Elvira Danilova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Management Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises


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How to Cite

Ostapenko, T., Onopriienko, O., Hrashchenko, I., & Danilova, E. (2021). Investigating the influence of nano-economy management channels on global transformations in the world . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(13 (111), 18–30.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology