Development of a methodology for determining the critical limits of the critical control points of the production of bakery products in the Republic of Kazakhstan
HACCP, critical control points, bakery products, food safety and qualityAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the impact of the HACCP management system on the safety of final products in baked goods production. The object of the study is two critical control points of the production of bakery products, which in turn affect the indicator of microbiological quality and safety of finished products. Using a mathematical model, the critical limits of critical control points (CCP) were determined – in the baking and cooling processes of baked goods. For the two CCPs, measures for continuous monitoring have been defined and critical limits have been developed. For CCT 1, a theoretical calculation using a mathematical model is given: the critical limit of the baking process (95.2–99.1 °C in the center of the crumb), by controlling this process, the company controls the biohazard factor, for CCP 2 the critical limit of cooling the finished product to a temperature of 22.84 °C in the center of the crumb for safe packing. The presentation of the results of the development of critical control limits and critical points of the production of bakery products using the construction of mathematical modeling is the theoretical beginning of further research.
When compiling the model, the physical parameters of a specific dough with a certain geometric shape were used, from which the bakery product is baked. The use of a mathematical model allows predetermining the baking parameters for the dough of any initial concentration.
The results can be used in the production of baked goods to better ensure the quality and safety of the final product
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ulbala Tungyshbayeva, Saverio Mannino, Raushangul Uazhanova, Mamyrbek Alibekovich Adilbekov, Madina Asatullaevna Yakiyayeva, Assemay Kazhymurat
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