Improvement of the computer model of air pollution estimation due to emissions of stationary sources of airports and compressor stations
pollutants, airport, compressor stations, gas turbine plants, gas pumping units, emissionAbstract
Emission sources at airports and compressor stations have the potential to emit pollutants, the effects of which can degrade local air quality. In most cases, the basis of gas pumping units includes either aircraft engines that have exhausted their flight life, or their targeted modifications to fulfill the tasks of gas pumping units and compressor stations in various gas transportation systems.
The methodology for calculating the concentration of pollutants contained in the emissions of enterprises does not take into account all possible features of emission sources, in terms of passive stationary sources and cold emissions, the algorithm of the methodology requires clarification and the justifications given in the article indicate possible ways of clarification.
According to the decision of the CAEP SG-2020 Coordination Meeting "detailed documentation for the Ukrainian POLEMICA air quality model provided in CAEP / 12-FESG-MDG / 2-WP / 09 should be considered as the final documentation for verifying this model for compliance with ICAO document 9889 requirements" ... The results of calculating the maximum concentration for the test scenario using Gaussian models, verified in CAEP, differ by almost 2 times. A similar result according to the PolEmiCa model ~ 1.5 μg/m3 is almost two times less, which is due to the inclusion of the effects of the initial rise in the emission of the mixture from a stationary source into the algorithms of the OND-86 method
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