Determining the influence of membrane treatment process on the quality indicators of beer
young beer, microfiltration process, membrane installation, qualitative characteristicsAbstract
The issue related to the possibility of applying the filtration process of young beer with the use of experimental microfiltration polymer semi-permeable membrane elements was considered. It was shown that under modern conditions, it is expedient to use membrane processes of young beer filtration in the brewing industry. The process of membrane treatment of beer can be carried out at the stage of pasteurization of young beer in a cold way. Such actions can be directed to preserve the organoleptic parameters of the final product ‒ filtered beer. An experimental setup for the study of the main technological parameters of membrane processing of young beer was presented. The results of experimental studies of the influence of baric and temperature modes on the performance of nuclear microfiltration polymer membranes were shown. Rational parameters of pressure (0.03–0.05 MPa), duration (8–10 s-1), and temperature (3...6 °С) of the process of membrane filtration of young beer using nuclear microfiltration polymer membranes were determined. The qualitative characteristics of filtered beer obtained by membrane methods were explored. The comparative characteristic of the results of the studies of the qualitative component of resulting beer after microfiltration according to the known requirements and standards for organoleptic indicators was presented. It is found that in terms of filtration rate, selectivity, yeast residue, and other characteristics, nuclear microfiltration polymer membranes are promising for the implementation of the process of microfiltration of young beer. These studies proved the feasibility of further research into improving the process of membrane processing of beer and technical equipment of the beer production line with the development of new equipment.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Оleksandr Omelchenko, Gregoriy Deynichenko, Vasyl Guzenko, Inna Zolotukhina, Dmytro Dmytrevskyi, Vitalii Chervonyi, Dmytro Horielkov, Olga Melnik, Olha Korolenko, Liudmyla Tsvirkun

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