Sensory analysis of biofortified pickled peppers


  • Григорій Вікторович Дейниченко Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade 333 Klochkivska St., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Ольга Петрівна Юдічева Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade» 3 Koval St., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014, Ukraine



pickling, sensory analysis, descriptors, biofortification, pepper, fertilizer “Riverm”, ginger, method


A sensory analysis of biofortified pickled peppers, obtained by traditional production technology and technology, which provides additional use of ginger root in the spice rack is conducted. Peppers for processing are grown using eco-friendly fertilizer “Riverm”, which provides a natural increase in the content of vitamins and minerals in vegetables (agronomic biofortification).

Applying biofortification when growing vegetables is one of the ways to increase the content of important for people minerals and vitamins, which in turn affects the balance of the diet. But today the impact of biofortification on the sensory properties of the obtained crop products remains uninvestigated. Also, there is no information about the possibilities of using biofortified vegetables for processing, as well as change in sensory parameters of finished products depending on the production technology. Modern analytical estimation methods - categorization method (gradation by quality) and quantitative descriptive (profile) method were used during the study. The results have proved that pickling as a way of processing biofortified peppers is appropriate. Using ginger root in pickling improves the finished product quality, in particular flavor and aroma. Profile taste analysis of biofortified pickled peppers has led to the conclusion that the sample, produced with adding the ginger root in the spice rack, was characterized by a pleasant, spicy and harmonious flavor. The aroma of pickled biofortified peppers, produced with using the spice rack with the added ginger root, was spicy, harmonious, very enjoyable and impressed tasters more than that of the control sample.

Thus, biofortified peppers can be used for pickling processing using different spice racks. Agricultural producers of biofortified vegetables can plan pickling for their processing, which is able to give high sensory properties to finished product.

Author Biographies

Григорій Вікторович Дейниченко, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade 333 Klochkivska St., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051


Department of Equipment for the Enterprises of Food

Ольга Петрівна Юдічева, Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade» 3 Koval St., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

Associate Professor (Dotsent)

Department of Expertise and Customs


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How to Cite

Дейниченко, Г. В., & Юдічева, О. П. (2014). Sensory analysis of biofortified pickled peppers. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(12(68), 18–24.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production