Means of milk level measuring for portable farmyard milking machine
milk level, measuring level converter, portable milking machine, mechanical milkingAbstract
Theoretical study of the photoelectric converter of light flux into voltage based on a pair of photodiode-operational amplifier is conducted. It is proved that the output voltage of the photoelectric converter based on the pair of photodiodeoperational amplifier linearly depends on the illuminated area of the photosensitive photodiode layer.
A primary measuring converter of liquid level based on the considered photoelectric converter, in which the area of the illuminated photosensitive photodiode layer linearly depends on the level, and thus its output voltage are a linear level function, is proposed. Based on the proposed primary measuring level converter, a means of milk level measuring for a portable farmyard milking machine is implemented.
The algorithm for its operation and algorithms for indirect measuring of milk yield, milk ejection intensity, latent period duration and other zootechnical animal parameters are considered. Absolute methodical error of measuring conversion of level and the absolute error of the proposed means of level measuring are determined.
Modern means of individual milk yield measuring for farmyard milking machines, unlike stationary measuring means for milking parlors do not provide the accuracy, necessary for calculating and predicting certain zootechnical parameters. Therefore, measuring means that provides metrological indicators, similar to equipment, which is used in milking parlors, is created.
As a result of implementing the created measuring means, the accuracy of indirect measuring of milk yield is increased, as confirmed by results of experimental studies. As a result of increasing the measuring accuracy of individual milk yield on farmyard machine, there is the possibility to abandon time-consuming procedure of control milking. Besides, accuracy of indirect measuring of other zootechnical animal parameters and further milking process optimization increases.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, Павло Ігорович Кулаков, Тетяна Вікторівна Гнесь

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