Determining the effect of a multicomponent mixture on the quality of pastry products containing a mixture of germinated grains




pastry products, staleness, freshness, polycomponent mixture, nutritional value, germinated grains, crumb


A bun with a mixture of germinated cereals of wheat, oats, barley, and corn is an innovative product rich in dietary fiber, replaceable and essential amino acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins. In the process of germination, grains accumulate a large number of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, which worsen the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb of pastry products, as a result of which it becomes sticky and wrinkled. The experimental study reported in this work aimed to improve the organoleptic indicators and prolong the freshness of pastry products whose formulation includes a mixture of germinated grains.

The expediency has been proven of using the polycomponent mixture "Solodok" (Ukraine) in the amount of 3.0 % to the mass of flour in the production of pastry products in whose formulation 50 % of flour was replaced with a mixture of germinated grains. The application of the polycomponent mixture "Solodok" has a positive effect on the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of the product crumb. The composition of the polycomponent mixture includes safe food additives and ingredients such as ground cinnamon, dry wheat gluten, apple pectin, and ascorbic acid.

It has been proven that products with the addition of the polycomponent mixture retain freshness longer, which was confirmed by a lower rate of staleness, by 59.2 %, compared to control.

The stale processes in the case of using a polycomponent mixture are inhibited due to the greater accumulation of dextrins compared to control. Thus, the total content of dextrins in a pastry product is 1.668 % to DM (dry matter) while in the bun "Tsilyushcha", it is 2.443 % to DM.

The study results show the technological effectiveness of the use of the "Solodok" polycomponent mixture to slow down the staleness of products and provide products enriched with a mixture of germinated cereals with satisfactory consumer properties.

Author Biographies

Olena Bilyk, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Bakery and Confectionery Goods Technologies

Oksana Kochubei-Lytvynenko, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology Мilk and Dairy Products

Yulia Bondarenko, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Bakery and Confectionery Goods Technologies

Liudmyla Burchenko, National University of Food Technologies

Postgraduate Student

Department of Bakery and Confectionery Goods Technologies

Albina Fain, Podolsk Special Training and Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College


Department of Informational Activity, Document Science and Fundamental Disciplines


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How to Cite

Bilyk, O., Kochubei-Lytvynenko, O. ., Bondarenko, Y., Burchenko, L., & Fain, A. (2021). Determining the effect of a multicomponent mixture on the quality of pastry products containing a mixture of germinated grains. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11 (114), 32–42.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production