Determining the pectinesterase enzyme activity when storing table grape varieties depending on the degree of ripening




grape varieties, Shamakhi Marandi, enzyme pectinesterase activity, controlled gas environment


Grapes are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, mineral compounds, vitamins, phenolic compounds. and other vital components. It is known that fresh grapes can be used from September to December. To prolong the terms of consumption of this valuable raw material, the most appropriate varieties and conditions for storing grapes have been determined. White, pink, and red grape varieties were taken as the object of research. The changes in the activity of the pectinesterase enzyme were determined depending on the degree of ripening of table grape varieties, the change in the pectinesterase enzyme during storage of table grape varieties in various variants was investigated. Statistical processing and calculation of variations in the indicators of changes in the activity of the enzyme pectinesterase were performed, depending on the degree of ripening of grapes of the Shamakhi Marandi variety.

During the study, the pectinesterase enzyme remained more stable in mature varieties. This means that in ripe table grape varieties, the absorption of nutrients in the respiratory process is significantly slowed down. However, as they mature, the activity of the pectinesterase enzyme gradually increases. Therefore, for long-term storage in refrigerated chambers, fully ripe varieties of table grapes were used; to this end, grapes of the white Ganja table variety, the pink Shamakhi Marandi variety, and the red Black Asma variety are more suitable.

The comparison of the investigated variants showed that table grape varieties, when stored in a refrigerated chamber in a controlled atmosphere, at 3–4 % CO2 and 2–3 % O2, retain better quality than other variants. When storing table grape varieties of various variants in the refrigerator, the enzyme activity decreases but is not completely suppressed.

Author Biographies

İlhama Kazimova, Azerbaijan State Economic Universitety (UNEC)

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Senior Lecturer

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Ahad Nabiyev, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Elza Omarova, Azerbaijan State Economic Universitety (UNEC)

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences


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How to Cite

Kazimova, İlhama, Nabiyev, A., & Omarova, E. (2021). Determining the pectinesterase enzyme activity when storing table grape varieties depending on the degree of ripening. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11 (114), 43–51.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production