Determining the impact of digitalization on the economic security of trade
economic security, digitalization, trade enterprises, multi-factor model, risks, sales volume, integrationAbstract
The modern system of relations between countries is being transformed with the spread of digitalization. Accordingly, there is a need to study the practical aspects of digitalization of trade as a major component of international relations. Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of digitalization processes on the performance and economic security of trade. The main directions for the development of digitalization in trade were determined and the influence of digital technologies on the economic security of trade entities (enterprises) was investigated.
The main components of the economic security of trade enterprises were identified. The main difficulties in the development of the digital economy were highlighted. The main directions for the development of digitalization of trade enterprises were determined.
The list of factors that most influence the formation of trade turnover was substantiated: income of the population, number of trade workers, inventories, producer price indices, digital technologies (telecommunications, data processing, etc.).
Methods of economic statistics (statistical observation, dynamic and structural analysis) were used to test the hypothesis of the relationship between informatization and economic security of trade enterprises. Methods of correlation and regression analysis were used to study the strength of the relationship between the volume of turnover and the factors that determine it.
Based on the modeling, a statistically significant relationship was identified between the indicators of the volume of information and related services and trade volumes, which confirms the dependence of the economic security of trade enterprises on digitalization. The proposal to supplement the already existing methodology for assessing the economic security of the trade enterprise with indicators reflecting the impact of digital technologies was justified. The results of the study can be useful for adapting strategies for the development of trade enterprises in the context of the global digital ecosystem.
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