Nonlinear boundary integral equations method for contact problems of the elasticity theory
elastic body, contact problem, Coulomb friction, integral equation, iterative methodAbstract
When implementing variational methods for solving complex contact problems, there are difficulties, associated with non-convexity of minimized energy function of the system of interacting bodies and non-differentiability of this function at the desired point of its minimum. These difficulties do not allow to use gradient methods and convex analysis methods to minimize the energy function, therefore, numerical procedures for finding minimum points of such functions are cumbersome in program implementation and sometimes make it impossible to obtain the contact problem solution with sufficient accuracy. Non-variational method, based on using nonlinear operator equations with no difficulties during its implementation is proposed in the paper. Applying these equations allows to use modern achievements of nonlinear functional analysis, fixed-point theory of continuous mappings, theory of iterative methods for solving operator equations for both proving theorems of existence of solutions to contact problems, and developing effective iterative procedures for approximate solutions. Nonlinear boundary integral equations, used in this paper to simulate the contact interaction of elastic bodies, allow (unlike other similar equations) to take into account both the linkage and partial slip on the contact surface of bodies, and loading history of these bodies. Based on these equations, simple and efficient iterative procedures for approximate solutions to the contact problems are developed. A numerical solution of the contact problem on indenting the elastic sphere in the elastic half-space is obtained, and comparison of results with the known problem solution is made.
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