Assessment of dynamic efforts to bodies of wagons at transportation with railway ferries
car, car dynamics, structural load, rail-water transport, rail-ferry transportationsAbstract
In order to ensure traffic safety of cars during rail-ferry transportations, assessment of forces, acting on them in conditions of rough sea is necessary. Regulations that reflect these issues include values of loads, which are unique to the Caspian Sea. In this regard, mathematical models that allow to get accelerations, acting on the support structure of car bodies for the given waters, such as rail ferry and technical characteristics of the car are developed.
Due to the variety of rail-ferry routes, structures and processing technologies of ferries, as well as increased technical and economic parameters of cars, these studies are relevant.
The paper presents the results of studies of dynamic features of car bodies during their transportation by rail ferries in the waters of the Black Sea. The values of the inertial loads, acting on the car bodies are determined. These studies can be taken into account when designing the new generation cars on carriage works, which will allow to improve sea traffic safety of cars.
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