Analysis of employer brand for young people
employment of students, labor market, labor distribution, internal brand, organization of HR management, employer brandAbstract
Different approaches to determining the employer brand were analyzed. The main components of the employer brand were identified. It is customary to divide the components of the employer brand into tangible and intangible ones. Material ones include wages, official employment, the material system of motivation. Intangible components are additional benefits, office, rating, and reputation of a company, type of activity of a company, the possibility of training and development. A tendency of the lack of information to form the employer brand for Generation Z was detected. Generation Z is the people born in 1997–2012. The list of value propositions of employers in the labor market for Generation Z was analyzed. The results of our own research – a survey among students (1341 respondents) having or not having experience – were analyzed. To analyze the results of the survey, mathematical expectation, root mean square deviation, and coefficient of variation of expert evaluation results were used. The rating of the components of the employer brand and their integrated scores in terms of attractiveness for Generation Z were established. The aspects to which employers need primarily to pay attention to for forming a value proposition in the labor market when selecting personnel were established
This study is important because the main components of the employer brand and their priority for Generation Z were not investigated in the scientific field.
As a result of the study, companies were rated by their attractiveness as a place of work or internship in retail and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) spheres.
These data can be used by HR-brand agencies, HR departments of international and national companies. Using the results of the survey of the formation of the employer brand for Generation Z will allow enterprises to take into account the expectations of their target audience.
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