Devising the policy of funds allocation in the decision-making process under the budget and tax management




allocation policy, optimal distribution, potential of life support of the population in a region, budget and tax management


This paper reports a seminal study whose relevance and significance are related to strengthening the importance of improving the distribution policy by introducing a model for optimizing the allocation of budget funds in the decision-making process. It has been determined that the potential of life support of the population in a region (PLSP in a region) acts as a tool for examining the resources in the region in terms of their capability to meet the needs of the population of the region in the current period and in the future. Based on the anthropocentric approach, it was determined that the main strategic resource is human potential that possesses a set of characteristics (components), which reflect its physical potential, the potential abilities and knowledge, as well as property potential. The implementation of the PLSP concept in the region has caused an urgent desire to study modern problems related to the budget and tax management of regional development, specifically, the management of budget expenditures at the stage of their allocation using modern means for supporting these processes. The expediency of using models of mathematical programming to determine the effective structure of the budget, taking into consideration the rate of inflation and the use of the methodology for calculating real wages, has been established. The following values for most priority areas of budget financing were calculated: the level of development of social infrastructure (11 %), the level of vocational training (29 %), the level of remuneration and entrepreneurial income (21 %), and the level of social payments to the population (14 %). It has been found that when a new allocation of budget funds is implemented, the value of the achieved level of PLSP development in a region could increase by 9 % compared to 2021.

The proposed approach is a permanently important prerequisite for the formation of priority areas of budget financing for the components of PLSP in a region in the process of producing and implementing universal and specific solutions in the field of budget and tax management.

Supporting Agency

  • Автори висловлюють щиру подяку доктору економічних наук, професору Зарубі Віктору Яковлєвичу та доктору технічних наук, професору Раскіну Льву Григоровичу, чиї фахові консультації внесли вагомий вклад у розуміння досліджуваних процесів та вирішення означених проблем.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Kuzmynchuk, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Marketing and Management of Foreign Economic Activity

Nataliia Mardus, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Accounting and Finance

Oleksandr Davydov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Finance and Credit

Viktoriia Yevtushenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

РhD, Аssociate Professor

Department of Marketing and Management of Foreign Economic Activity

Olena Melen, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

РhD, Associate Professor

Department of Accounting and Finance

Alla Kharchenko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

РhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing


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How to Cite

Kuzmynchuk, N., Mardus, N., Davydov, O., Yevtushenko, V., Melen, O., & Kharchenko, A. (2022). Devising the policy of funds allocation in the decision-making process under the budget and tax management. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13(115), 69–79.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology