Determining optimal technological modes for pressing oil from melon seeds to justify rational engineering and structural solutions
vegetable oil, melon seeds, statistical analysis, oil press design, optimization criteriaAbstract
This paper considers the process of squeezing oil from melon seeds in a screw oil press, using the method of planning a full-factor experiment. To study the interaction of various factors affecting the process of squeezing oil from melon seeds, mathematical methods of experiment planning were applied. Melon seeds were used as the object of the study. The results of studying the physical and mechanical indicators of melon seeds are reported; the rational modes of pressing melon seeds have been determined; the aerodynamic indicators of melon seeds have been defined in order to design a cold-pressed press for melon seeds.
Ventilation modes have been substantiated; the soaring coefficient for melon seeds was derived. The coefficient of resistance for a melon seed is 1.54.
The highest critical velocity values for melon seeds were 6.4, for kernels 4.67, and for husks 3.94, respectively, with seed moisture content of 24.08 %.
The dependence of the oil yield on huskness has been determined. It is established that in the process of pressing there is a decrease in the oil content of the oil seed meal as it moves from the receiving chamber to the exit from the press, at the same time there is a compaction of the compressed product. Based on the study’s results, a plant for squeezing oil from melon seeds was designed. As a result of solving the problem with the vector optimization criterion, optimal intervals of input parameters were obtained: the initial humidity of the raw material is 9.15...10.27 %, the speed of rotation of the oil press screw is 0.843...0.895 s–1, the clearance for the yield of cake is 0.750...0.800, the oil seed meal temperature at pressing=87...89 °С, the huskness of the starting product is 7.13...7.23 %
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