Accident risk analysis of road geometric components using functional worthiness approach




accident risk, road geometry, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, modelling


The geometric design of the road should be based on the road design criteria and requirements contained in the design guidelines. However, the limitations of natural conditions and considerations during the design make the road design not ideal according to the guidelines. Deviations from the guidelines may indicate that the road is not standard and has potential accident risk. This study intends to analyze the risk of accidents from the geometric aspect of the road. The purpose of this study is to find out how the level of accident risk is due to the geometric conditions of the road. The approach used in this analysis is functional worthiness where each road component is compared with field data and design guidelines. The data collection method was carried out by measuring the geometric components of the road, which included horizontal and vertical alignments. The location of data collection was national roads in the Jambi Province area with a total road length of 1.095 km. For analysis purposes, the road data is divided into 82 segments. The analytical method used is multiple regression with various statistical parameters related to these results. The modeling results show that the regression coefficients for each variable horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and combination of horizontal and vertical alignment are 0.248, 0.349, and 1.170, respectively. While the constant in this regression equation model is 3.366. The greatest value of the accident risk contribution is in the horizontal and vertical alignment variables with a coefficient of 1.170. The results of statistical tests show that the relationship between accident risk and the geometric aspect of the road has a strong linear relationship

Supporting Agency

  • Expressions of gratitude were conveyed to the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Research Directorate and UGM Reputation Improvement Team towards the World Class of UGM -Quality Assurance Office, allowing me to participate in the Post-doctoral Program. This Post-doctoral research scheme is under the Rector's Letter of Assignment of the UGM No: 6144/UNI.P.III/DIT-LIT/PT/2021 dated September 27, 2021.

Author Biographies

Aji Suraji, Universitas Widyagama Malang

Doctor of Civil Engineering, Associate Professor

Department of Civil Engineering

Agus Taufik Mulyono, University of Gadjah Mada


Department of Civil Engineering


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How to Cite

Suraji, A., & Mulyono, A. T. (2022). Accident risk analysis of road geometric components using functional worthiness approach . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(1 (117), 6–14.



Engineering technological systems