Development of probiotic yogurt from small cattle milk




viability of bacteria, sheep's milk, combined milk, and goat's milk, nutritional value, shelf life


This paper considers the physicochemical parameters of sheep's and goat's milk as raw materials to produce live yogurt. Sheep's milk of 12 breeds (14 samples per breed) and goat's milk of 4 breeds (10 samples per breed) were examined. Milk was selected to produce yogurt from cow's, sheep's, goat's milk and combined mixtures of cow's and sheep's milk in different ratios. The milk was selected for the purpose of producing yogurt with long-term viability of dairy bacteria, thereby obtaining live yogurt without the addition of synthetic preservation agents. The viability of probiotics (Bifidobacterium and Lactobacterium) in the composition of yogurts from cow's, sheep's, goat's milk, and mixtures: cow's and sheep's milk in various ratios, cow's and goat's in similar ratios has been investigated. For consumer preference, organoleptic analyzes are very important, according to the results of which yogurt was selected in a ratio of 3:1 cow's milk and sheep's milk, respectively. An equally important indicator is the safety of the product, so microbiological and biochemical analyzes were carried out on day 1 and during storage (day 28 at 4 °C). Producing yogurt using sheep's milk is an interesting approach because of the improved nutritional value compared to cow's and goat's milk. Yogurt with the best indicators and a rational ratio of 2 types of milk was also identified. The physicochemical parameters of all types of yogurts were studied, the rational number of added starter cultures was selected. At the same time, yogurt from cow's milk received low marks on organoleptic analysis, the rest of the samples showed a good result. The best in terms of the organoleptic analysis are yogurts with the addition of sheep's milk. Yogurts have the ability to increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors, subject to the consumption of live yogurt.

Author Biographies

Assan Ospanov, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Research Group

Shukhrat Velyamov, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry

PhD, Leading Researcher

Raushan Makeeva, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry

Process Engineer

Dinara Tlevlessova, Almaty Technological University

PhD, Аssociate Рrofessor

Department of Food Technology

Raushan Tastanova, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry

Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

Ospanov, A., Velyamov, S., Makeeva, R., Tlevlessova, D., & Tastanova, R. (2022). Development of probiotic yogurt from small cattle milk. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (118), 53–59.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production